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Begins flowering mid spring to late autumn.

Low maintenance and disease resistant. Once established, drought and low-water tolerant. Pruning is optional: once a year in late winter or early spring.

In full sun, masses of flower clusters cover each Flower Carpet® rose bush from Spring to late Autumn. In part shade – two to three hours of sun per day – there are fewer flowers. The foliage is dense, green and glossy on a bush with a good, mounded shape.

Planting tips: These roses thrive in most climates and soils but perform best in well-drained crumbly garden soil with added organic matter. Plant virtually whenever: for massed plantings, two to three plants per square metre (3ft); for borders space them 80cm (32") apart.

Ways to use them: Plant Flower Carpet roses: into mixed garden beds for a cottage garden or perennial border look; en masse for blocks of colour; into large containers; as a loose low hedge; or in low-maintenance high-end commercial landscapes.

Red Flower Carpet Rose

Deep velvety red blooms beautifully contrasted by the rich yellow stamen centre.

Please call for availability.

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